Recently, a retreatant shared this story with us after she returned home from a weekend retreat. We thought it would be spiritually uplifting at this time when we can feel that we feel stretched in our resources, both physical and spiritual. Perhaps God is asking us to give more patience, charity, and compassion to others and we feel that we don’t have any of this to give. Well, it is true, we don’t have it. But God does, if only we ask Him. And if we ask in genuine sincerity, he repays our faith a hundred fold!
Hello Sisters,

I just wanted to reach out and share a story of God’s generosity. I attended a retreat this past weekend. It was not my first retreat, but the first in a while. During my time there, I felt called to support the work of the Sisters through the women’s auxiliary. I was a little bit anxious about the money, because I knew our next paycheck was already spent. But in reality, over an entire year, $30 is doable for us. I reminded myself that God is not outdone in generosity. I knew he would provide for us if we stepped out for him. I signed up.

The day after I got home, a grocery delivery was short several items. I called the company, and they ended up providing everything for free because of their mistake (over $100).

The day after that, we were eating at our favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. When the time came to pay, the waitress told us that someone else in the restaurant had already paid for our check.

Yesterday, a friend who works in eye care reached out to tell me that she was providing a year’s supply of contact lenses at no charge (over $150).

Sisters, I knew when I signed up that God would find a way to repay my little act of generosity, but I have been absolutely floored by the immediate and concrete magnitude of His providence. I had to reach out and share these blessings with you!

Thank you so much for what you do! God bless!

May we all put our trust in God and ask Him to provide wherever we are lacking. Let us rely only on the goodness of the Heavenly Father!

The Carmelite Sisters
Sacred Heart Retreat House