Listen to Father Jeremiah Shryock as he guides us into a deeper understanding of God’s love – most importantly, the ways in which we can respond to God’s immense love for us. Contemplate with us on this beautiful mystery and feel the overwhelming love of God.

These episodes are from Father Jeremiah Shyrock, CFR’s weekend retreats in January 2020 at Sacred Heart Retreat House

Episode 1: A Love Story

God shares his heart and soul with us all the time. And it is through His call that he shares himself with us. When and how did he call you? How has your story with God unfold? What is your love story with Him? These are the questions we will meditate on in this episode of Father Jeremiah's talk. Let us listen to him as he shares to us this Love Story.

Episode 2: Who is God?

We have different notions about God and images of Him. But all of these are nothing compared to who and how God is. Let us listen to Father Jeremiah as he shares God's true nature and how deep God's love is for us.

Episode 3: What is Prayer?

Somehow we have to ask this question if we really believe that God really loves us. It is only when we have become closer to God that we are able to truly accept this fact. We can begin this by sharing our hearts with Him in prayer. Let's listen to Fr. Jeremiah as he shares to us the depth of prayer as this deepens intimacy with God.

Episode 4: Intimacy with God

Sometimes we are too afraid to be vulnerable with anyone let alone with God. But God desires to be intimate with us. He wants us to be dependent on Him on all things because He is everywhere and in everything. Let us listen to Father Jeremiah as he shares with us how God desires to be intimate with us and how we overcome the struggle to be intimate with God.

Episode 5: Mary, the One who Waited

We listen to Father Jeremiah's sharing on how Mother Mary as she waited to at the foot of the cross was a mystery to be embraced and loved. Mary paid attention to reality of pain and suffering and yet she embraced it for the salvation of us. How can Mary’s devotion inspire us into concrete actions in our daily life?

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