Author: Sister Laetitia Therese , O.C.D.

As we begin 2023, are you experiencing any fear or anxiety? We can approach a new year with many mixed emotions. There can be great joy as we anticipate a birth, a wedding, a graduation, the gift of coming together with family, friends, and church community… so many blessings before us! Yet, I think many of us also struggle with somewhat of an anticipated dread. What sufferings will I have to undergo this coming year? Will I become sick? Will a loved one die? What if I lose my job? The list of worries can go on and on. They can be very persistent and cloud our minds and hearts.

Amidst this inner conflict, it is consoling to know that even Jesus experienced fear. During His agony in the garden, when He anticipated His coming sufferings, so great was His anxiety that He sweat blood! He was really afraid. And yet, He trusted in the Father’s love and plan… He said, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but Yours be done (Lk. 22:42)” because He knew the Father is good. We have to remember that suffering in the world is an evil and was not part of God’s original plan for creation, but a result of the consequences of original sin. Yet, God will never allow evil to have the last word. As Jesus’ resurrection from the dead witnesses to us, God will always bring about a greater good. We may not be able to see it in this life with our limited perspective.

Let us entrust ourselves and this coming year entirely into the hands of our loving God. Mother Luisita encourages us with these words, “Let’s bless Our Lord in all and for all and let’s have our eyes fixed on Him, our Hope and our Love. Thus, we will go through the ups and downs of life with all tranquility.” Let us ask our Blessed Mother Mary to intercede for us and to help us to grow in loving confidence in God’s goodness this year.