By Sister Laetitia Therese, OCD

During the month of May, we particularly honor Mary as our Blessed Mother. At the foot of the cross, she consented to be the mother of all our Lord Jesus’ disciples. She was present with them before and during the Holy Spirit’s descent on Pentecost, considered the birthday of the Church. How closely do we experience the motherhood and companionship of our Blessed Mother in our own lives? Do we turn to her as our mother for both our deepest needs and even the little desires of our hearts? I am reminded of an incident when I was a small child.

I really wanted to have a cat and had asked my parents and they had said no. So, I took matters into “higher hands” and began asking our Blessed Mother for a cat. Needless to say, I was not surprised when our fence blew down in storm and a cat came into our yard and stayed put. We had “Mary the cat” (for of course I thought our Blessed Mother would be honored to be the namesake of the cat she had brought to me) all during my childhood years. I was absolutely convinced that she was there through the intercession of our Blessed Mother.

Do we all (do I still) have this childlike innocence, trust, and confidence when approaching our Blessed Mother? As our mother, she delights to be near her children and to fill us with all that is good, above all by leading us closer to her beloved Son, Jesus. Let us entrust ourselves entirely to her care in a particular way this month