Journeying Together through our

Made for Greater Retreats

We have a deep desire to know that we are irreplaceable, loved, and that God has a plan for our lives. When Archbishop Jose Gomez released his Pastoral Letter, For Greater Things You Were Born, he identified a need in our society for healing, especially in our identity in Christ, and our mission as Christians. To answer this call we formulated a retreat experience that will nurture the encounter with the Living God.

We will journey with you to discover the answer to these foundational questions: Who is God? Who am I? Why did God create me? Who is this God that desires relationship with me? How can I live in the freedom of my identity in Christ? What is God’s unique plan for my life? These are some big questions, but this retreat will be tailor made to flex with you wherever you might be in your journey. And the Carmelite Sisters are committed to walk with you before, during, and after the retreat.

  • You get to choose between a 3-, 4-, or 5- day retreat
  • Listen to talks by the Sisters – Hear about their own testimonies.
  • Draw closer to the Heart of Jesus through Adoration, Confession, Mass and Spiritual Direction.
  • Spend one-on-one time with the Carmelite Sisters – Before, during and after your retreat.

We look forward to journeying with you as we draw closer to the Heart of Jesus in this NEW and UNIQUE retreat experience!

Retreat Rates:

3-Day Private Room / Private Bath: $449
4-Day Private Room / Private Bath: $549
5-Day Private Room / Private Bath: $649

Retreat Registration

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