Gentle Reminders

  • Give yourself a solid 45-60 minutes of undistracted time.
  • Listen in a room set apart from others, not where there is a television or computer screen on.
  • Have a journal you can write with and write down the points that speak to your heart along with any questions you would like to bring to the live Zoom Q&A sessions.
  • After the conference, we invite you to ponder any key points that struck you and take some silent prayer time to let the Lord speak to you about these points.

Conference 1 | Beginning with Creation

Reflection Questions

1. Why do I want to live more in the presence of God? What are my hopes and desires at the start of this retreat?

2. Fr. Jacques Philippe asks us, “Where can our hearts find peace today? The easy answer is God, but honestly, where have you been searching for peace? The news? Social Media? Online shopping? Gossip? Movies/shows? Have you been satisfied, or have you been left seeking something deeper?

3. What is one way that you experienced God’s peace or presence in nature? What did He want to share with you in that moment? What does He want to share in that moment now?

4. Fr. Philippe shares that “Where ever God is present, He is also hidden…it’s almost secret….it’s a presence that reveals itself little by little.” He is a God that is not violent, but gentle and it is through our desire that “obligates God reveal Himself.” What do I truly desire in my relationship with God? Why do I desire this? Do I trust and have faith that God wants to fulfill these desires?

5. What is one way that I can be more attentive to creation this weekend? Star gazing? Morning walk with no phone in hand? Reading scripture outside in the silence?

Welcoming You to a New Sacred Space

On retreat, we need to set up a special space for our prayer so that we can open our hearts wider for Him. Digest this conference and pray along side with us in quiet and beautiful spaces on Sacred Heart Retreat House grounds.

Musical Meditation: Heal Our Land

By the Carmelite Sisters, from the Light Into Fire Album

Heal Our Land

by the Carmelite Sisters | Light Into Fire Album

Heal Our Land Lyrics

Verse 1

You take our lives
Flawed yet beautiful
Restore, Refine
Lord You’re merciful
Redeem, revive


Spirit of God
Breathe on Your church
Pour out Your presence
Speak through Your word
We pray in every nation, Christ be known
Our hope and salvation Christ alone

Verse 2

New power, new wine
As divisions fall
One church one bride
Jesus, Lord of all
With one voice we cry


So God we pray to You
Humble ourselves again
Lord would You hear our cry?
Lord will You heal our land?
That every eye will see
That every heart will know
The One who took our sin
The One who died and rose


And when Your kingdom comes
And when at last You call
We’ll rise to worship You alone

