Gentle Reminders

  • Give yourself a solid 45-60 minutes of undistracted time.
  • Listen in a room set apart from others, not where there is a television or computer screen on.
  • Have a journal you can write with and write down the points that speak to your heart along with any questions you would like to bring to the live Zoom Q&A sessions.
  • After the conference, we invite you to ponder any key points that struck you and take some silent prayer time to let the Lord speak to you about these points.

Conference 5 | A Dwelling Place in Our Hearts

Reflection Questions

1. Fr. Jacques Philippe boldly and truthfully states that “God comes to make his dwelling place within the heart of man.” Am I conscientious of this reality?

2. St. Teresa of Avila shares with her Sisters, “I understood that I had a soul, but what that soul merited and who dwelt in it I did not understand because of the vanities of life covered my eyes with a blindfold. If I had understood as I do fully now that in the little Palace of my soul such a great King was living, I think I would not have left Him alone…I would have remained in company with Him and would have tried to make His Palace less dirty.”

What are my vanities in life? My blindfold?

3. Where can I find opportunities to pray 2-3 seconds in thanksgiving for what God is doing in my life? Work? Grocery store? Running errands?

4. Who is my neighbor that God is inviting me to be in his/her presence to encounter Him more deeply?

5. What is one grace that I received from this retreat that I can go back to when life is hard?

Pray with Us on Our Campus Grounds

Musical Meditation: Rejoice in His Love

By the Carmelite Sisters, from the Lean Into the Wind Album

Rejoice in His Love

by the Carmelite Sisters | Lean Into the Wind Album

Rejoice in His Love Lyrics

Rejoice in His love for you
look to the future with hope,
He accepts you as you are
He allows you to grow,
He gives you time and space,
opportunity and grace
say yes to Him.

Rejoice in His love for you
He knows that you need forgiveness
May you recognize and embrace
the unexpected ways
He chooses to renew your life
Rejoice in His love for you.

Receive the grace of His love
Know the depth of his love for you
He gives you time and space,
opportunity and grace
say yes to Him. Refrain. (x2)